Alchemy: alchemy
Alteration: alteration
Archery: marksman
Block: block
Conjuration: conjuration
Destruction: destruction
Enchanting: enchanting
Heavy Armor: heavyarmor
Illusion: illusion
Light Armor: lightarmor
Lockpicking: lockpicking
One-Handed: onehanded
Pickpocket: pickpocket
Restoration: restoration
Smithing: smithing
Sneak: sneak
Speech: speechcraft
Two-Handed: twohanded
AdvSkill TestingEdit
in the AdvSkill command I decided to make a new character with all
skills set to 20 in order to test the relative power of AdvSkill for
each skill, the following are my results. DibbzTheLoner (talk) 00:46,
December 8, 2011 (UTC)
Each skill was set to 20 and then the
command AdvSkill <skill> <#> was used to find the minimum
points needed to advance to level 21. The numerical value indicates the
"<#>" used to go from level 20 to 21 in each skill.
these values may increase as your skill advances, sneak, lockpicking and
light armor seem to double around the 25-30 range. If it looks like
nothing happens, enter the command multiple times until you get a skill
up, and use the number of times the command was entered as a multipler.
so if you have to enter Advskill sneak 20 three times to get a skillup,
the new value will be advskill sneak 60. this can also be useful if you
want to increase skills by more than one level at a time.)
Alchemy: 506
Alteration: 132
Archery: 43
Block: 86
Conjuration: 188
Destruction: 192
Heavy Armor: 104
Illusion: 86
Light Armor: 173
Lockpicking: 7
One-Handed: 110
Pickpocket: 37
Restoration: 197
Sneak: 20
Speechcraft: 1914
Two-Handed: 179
and Enchanting are not listed above because the AdvSkill adds too much
experience to these skills to judge them properly in a single level. The
closest achieved to whole levels without going much over was:
Smithing advanced from level 20 to 22 with only 5 points</li></li> one level is 00000003</li></li>
Enchanting advanced from level 20 to 26 with only 4 points one level is 00000003
using AdvSkill on Smithing or Enchanting be very careful as it is
extremely easy to overshoot what you're aiming for. When trying to make
minor adjustments to your skill levels via AdvSkill be cautious, as the
value of points greatly varies between skills, for example AdvSkill
Speechcraft 200 would barely advance the bar by a couple of pixels, but
AdvSkill Enchanting 200 would instantly take you to from level 20 to
level 86 Enchanting.
</li> </li> </li>
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